Outlier Male Series: Mind, Body and Spirit
January 2, 2023
Hello Guys,
Now here’s the game plan.
We’ll focus primarily on Mind, Body and Spirit and our secondary focus will be Wealth/Riches. Now I do remember telling you that we should focus on 3 things only but things change.
I’m going to add URGENCY.
Group link: The OUTLIER MALE Telegram group .
Here’s a simple guideline to follow.
1. Learn Digital Marketable Skills
Digital marketable skills are skills you can use to make money ONLINE. Everything is going online. You need to align yourself with the massive paradigm shift that’s going on
Here are some. Pick your poison(skills). Now I’d suggest you pick more than 1.
- Copywriting
- UI/UX Design
- Web Development
- Search Engine Optimization
- Social Media Marketing
- Search Engine Ads(Google)
- Graphic Design
- Blockchain Development
- Social Media Management
- Writing
- Data Science
- Cloud Computing
- Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning
- Animation
- Video Editing(both short form and long form)
- Email Marketing(+cold emailing)
- Affiliate Marketing
- App/Software Development
- Illustration + NFT Art + Digital Art
- Web Scraping
- Hacking
- Video/Audio Production
- System Automation
These are the ones I know off the top of my head. If you have another one, feel free to post it below in the comments.
The key to this is to reach 10,000 hours of mastery with the skill you’ve chosen or with this whole outlier male journey, that’s when you’ll start to see the progress you’ve made.
2. Optimize Your Sleep
Here are some tips by Dr. Huberman :
- High-quality sleep is critical! Sleep is the foundation of mental health, cognitive health, and performance
- Viewing direct morning sunlight within 30-60 minutes of waking will help you fall asleep and stay asleep at night, and optimize cortisol & adenosine levels
- Layer in multiple levers to be more alert: morning sunlight viewing, increasing body temperature, delaying caffeine, movement/exercise upon waking, light breakfast
- Stack the deck to give your body predictable autonomic timing and properly set circadian rhythm to optimize sleep and wakefulness – even if you’re tired, exercise a little (doesn’t have to be intense) and eat a light breakfast, etc.
- Avoid overhead fluorescent light as much as possible between 10 pm-4 am – these lights will eliminate melatonin circulating in the brain & body and will hinder the ability to fall and stay asleep (instead, try soft lamps and dim screens as much as possible without straining eyes)
- Viewing afternoon sunlight from sunset can help offset some of the negative effects of light viewing in the evening (10 pm-4 am)
- Try to maintain a consistent sleep/wake schedule (+/- 1 hour) 7 days a week!
- When all else fails, try this sleep stack cocktail (buy single ingredient supplements so you can use what works, ditch what doesn’t): magnesium threonate (145mg, 30-60 minutes before bed) + theanine (100-400mg, 30-60 minutes before bed) + apigenin (50mg, 30-60 minutes before bed)
- Sleep apnea can have very damaging effects on sleep and health – train nasal breathing with these methods: (1) use medical tape to tape your mouth shut during sleep; (2) practice nasal breathing only during light exercise/cardio bouts
- Best nootropic: sleep
- Best stress-relief: sleep
- Best trauma release: sleep
- Best immune booster: sleep
- Best hormone augmentation: sleep
- Best emotional stabilizer: sleep
3. Build Focus
Some more tips from Dr. Huberman:
- Epinephrine/adrenaline, acetylcholine, and dopamine work together to facilitate the ability to get focused, direct focus, and stay focused over time
- Binaural beats (40 Hz), white noise, pink noise, and brown noise can enhance focus & more importantly, decrease the amount of time it takes to get into a focused state by ramping up neurochemicals
- Blocking time: use ultradian cycles (90-minute bouts) for intensely focused sessions; assume it will take about 5-10 minutes to ease in and then ramp up; when finished, spend 10-30 minutes to deliberately defocus
- Both things are true: fasted states and fed states (sufficient glucose but not overly stuffed belly) stimulate neuronal activity – leverage this and try one focused 90-minute bout in the morning (fasted) and another in the afternoon (fed)
- Tip: leverage the benefits of stress through cold exposure – try a cold shower (uncomfortably cold but safe to stay in) for 1-5 minutes to increase epinephrine and dopamine in the brain and body to get the body into a focused state – the positive effects of epinephrine last up to an hour or more
- The focus will drift unless you are an experienced meditator – the most important component of meditation is refocusing back to meditation and back to the breath – try 13 minutes per day
- Meditation caveat: focused meditation in the 4 hours prior to bed actually hindered the ability to fall asleep and stay asleep
- Using visual field to improve focus: set a timer for 30 seconds per day and try to focus on one object; keep adding 5 seconds per day looking directly at the location (be sure to blink!) – you can use this to help onramp into 90-minute focused bout
- As always, start with behavioral tools (and dialing in sleep), then focus on nutrition, and try supplementation – when all else fails and you’ve consulted a doctor, lean on prescription drugs
- Really sleep-deprived or having trouble focusing? Stack tools – for example, take a cold shower, leverage the visual field, and take alpha-GPC
4. Read Books
Here are some books I suggest you start reading that will build your knowledge in place of the experience you don’t have:
- Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
- Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
- 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene
- The Way of The Superior Man by David Deida
- Rational Male Book 1 by Rollo Tomasi
- The Male Advantage by Kris Sturmey
- Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
- The Art of War by Sun Tzu
- 12 Rules For Life: An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan B. Peterson
- Obesity Code by Dr. Jason Fung
- Unscripted by MJ Demarco
- The US Navy Seal Survival Handbook
- The Obstacle is The Way by Ryan Holiday
- Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
- The Illustrated Art of Manliness: All Books by Brett McKay
- The King, Warrior, Magician, and Lover by Robert Moore & Douglas Gillette
- How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
- Estrogeneration by Anthony G. Jay, Ph.D.
- Ego is The Enemy by Ryan Holiday
- Bushcraft 101 by Dave Canterbury
- 100 Deadly Skills by Clint Emerson, Former Navy Seal
- 4 Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss
- The Unplugged Alpha by Richard Cooper
- Outliers by Malcom Gladwell
- $100mOffers by Alex Hormozi
These books are great and I suggest you read 10 pages a day and slowly build up to 20. These contain the experiences of more than 1,000 men.
Having their knowledge and being able to learn from their experiences is a blessing.
I’d recommend you start with The Male Advantage by Kris Sturmey.
It will show you your worth as a man and how to further build it. I rate it 10/10.
1. Work out/Exercise
Principles Of Exercise & Fitness
The basic concepts of fitness are few, but the methods are vast
- The 9 main concepts of training:
- Skill
- Speed
- Power (function of speed and strength)
- Strength
- Hypertrophy (growing muscle mass)
- Muscular endurance
- Anaerobic power (ability to produce and sustain work in short bursts)
- VO2 max (max heart rate)
- Long-endurance (30+ minutes with no break)
- There are a handful of things you have to do in order to make all of the main concepts work, but you will not see changes in any domain without progressive overload
- Progressive overload: adaptation happens as a byproduct of stress – you have to push the system
- If you do the same exercises over time, you will plateau
- A progressive overload could be in the form of adding weights, adding repetitions, increasing frequency, varying complexity of movement
Here are the exercises we’ll focus on for the first year:
Push-ups or Bench presses: These work on the chest and arms. You can try multiple variations to suit you. If you are a beginner try Knee Push-ups
To begin, the push-up: Lie flat on the ground then push your body up without interfering with the natural curvature of the back.
To begin, the bench press: Find the weights, load them, lie on your back, unrack and pull towards your body as far as possible then push up from your body as far as possible and repeat.Squats: This works the legs and the core(only slightly).
To begin, stand up straight, then go down to a squat position, and then come up. How deep you go depends on your capacity but ensure you try to go deeper and repeat.
To do this with weight simply depends on what kind of squat you are going to do. I recommend the back squat, whereby you load the weight to the back of your neck(wear thick clothing or place a hollow form then do a squat and repeat.Deadlifts: This works the legs, back and core.
To begin, find weights, and place them near your feet while standing upright. Reach for the weights without bending your knees too much and bring them up until you are standing upright again then put them down and repeat.Bent over rows or pull-ups: These work on the back and the arms
To begin find a strong sturdy vertical pole that is placed slightly above your reach. Hold it with 2 arms and bring your chin over the pole then slowly drop down and repeat.
To begin, find weights preferably a barbell or dumbbell, bend over extend your hands toward the floor while holding the weight then bring the weight to your chest then extend them back to the ground, and repeat.Military Overhead press: This works on the shoulders giving you that large shoulder and making that sexy V that girls love.
To begin, find weights then bring them to your chest and push them upwards above your head then bring them down and repeatCalve raises: This works on the calves
To begin: stand upright and stand on your toes like you are tiptoeing then come back to natural and repeat. You can add weights if desired.Plank: This strengthens the core which is responsible for keeping your upper body straight and provides spinal cord support. It does a bunch of other things which I believe you should research
To begin lie flat on the ground then let your elbows and forearms touch the ground then lift and hold that position for a time.Stretch
To start do 5 x 5 of each. That is 5 repetitions of 5 sets = 25 times if using weights. If using body weight do 5 x 10 = 50 times.
Do this 6 days a week unless you are over 35. If you are over 40 do 5 or 4 times a week.
Remember to set a rest day. Eat plenty of proteins and healthy fat. Increase weight, difficulty, intensity, or repetitions every week.
2. Diet
- Increase your protein intake especially from meat, eggs, and fish to maximize protein synthesis: consume 1.6-2.6g/kilogram of lean body mass
- There aren’t noticeable benefits to going beyond this range
- Protein is also more satiating
- Try fermented foods
- Eat some dark and leafy vegetables
- Have some fruit e.g. berries and watermelon
- Limit refined carbs, sugar, and seed oils
- Try fasting. Fasting puts the body into a mode of autophagy and conservation of resources which are beneficial to health
- Try a ketogenic diet. Benefits of the ketogenic diet: influences neurotransmitter levels (particularly glutamate, GABA, adenosine), changes calcium channel regulation, changes gene expression, reduces brain inflammation, improves the health of the gut microbiome, improves insulin resistance and signaling
- More extreme forms of fasting (24 hours, alternate day, etc.) have more noticeable effects on lean body mass than 16:8 fasting
- Eating 2-3 high-quality protein meals per day will probably make more of a difference on lean body mass than time-restricted eating
- Choose fasting depending on your goal: if you’re a high-level athlete or similar, it’s unlikely you’ll gain much intermittent fasting – if you want to maintain or lose weight and lose body fat, a 16:8 fast is fine to help control calories
- Don’t snack
This one is simple.
1. Pray every day when you wake up and go to sleep
This will help connect you to your Creator and have Him guide you.
2. Read the Bible/Quran
This will help know what He expects from you.
3. Meditate
This will help clear your mind and bring peace.
4. Journal
This will help you chain your thoughts to the physical realm.
It will help you plan out life and it will be a reminder of all you haven’t achieved.
5. Help others
This will bring you down to earth and help you stay humble.
That’s it guys that’s the plan for this year.
I’ll post the next year’s plan before December.
For those who haven’t joined the group yet.
Here’s the link. It’s a limited-time offer. It will soon be closed and paid.
If you are in a 9 - 5. Start investing. We are close to a recession. Learn stocks, crypto, REITs, real estate, precious metals, watches, timber, and such.
Learn investing. Keep money aside and do dollar cost averaging(Put some money into investments every month/week/day)
Invest a little now then go head-deep in the middle of the recession. Millionaires are made in the middle of recessions just like diamonds are made under pressure or men are made during storms.
Learn investing.
If you are jobless, spend most of your time learning and testing(practicing) new skills and stack money for investment.
If you are an Investor, keep going.
If you are a business owner/entrepreneur stack money for investments.
Some good investments:
- Bitcoin
- Ethereum
- Small MarketCap Coins/Tokens
- Gaming tokens
- NFT tokens
- Gold
- Silver
- Diamond
- Healthcare REITs, Stocks, and ETFs
- Energy REITS, Stocks, and ETFs
- Utility NFTs
- Government Bonds
- Government Bills
- Utility REITs, Stocks, and ETFs
- Consumer staples Stocks, REITs, and ETFs
Group link: The OUTLIER MALE Telegram group .
See Also
- 8 Basic Laws Of Men
- 20 Things Men Must Do In 2022
- How Men Can Get Over Rejection or Heart Break: Unconventional
- The Life of Underachieving Men Today
- Outlier Male Series: Who is an outlier male? What's the male advantage?