Mini Self Improvement Framework For Everyone
August 20, 2021
Hi! How are you?
I like a quote Hafeez from The Roommates always says. Though i modified it so now it’s my quote. It says,
Improve yourself physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally and financially, then go and change the world!
I won’t waste your time and I’ll get right into it.
- Get fit
- Do Intermittent Fasting
- Start sprinting once a week
- Eat real food: Veggies, Meat, and Eggs. Skip Refined, Minimize Starchy, and Eat Fibrous Carbs. Switch Canola/Sunflower Oil to Butter(Cow), Olive Oil, Avocado Oil, or Coconut Oil. Cholesterol is a building block for your body. This is especially true for men.
- Sleep 7 + hours
- Do OMAD(One Meal A Day) or OAAHMD(One And A Half Meals A Day)
- Do planks daily
- Keep off sugar, wheat, and fruit juices
- Drink water
- Read The Bible
- Pray
- Meditate
- Write prayers answered
- Join like-minded individuals
- Increase social interactions
- Don’t take things personally
- Learn stoicism
- Take a deep breath before speaking
- Show kindness and empathy
- Learn psychology
- Write a journal/diary
- Make friends
- Work out(builds mental fortitude)
- Read books. A minimum of 10 pages per day
- Learn new skills(You have youtube among others)
- Do something creative a day
- Write a journal/diary
- Schedule alone time where it’s just you and your thoughts(don’t be afraid of boredom, it’s where you’ll find your best ideas.)
- Do some visualization. Visualize the best version of yourself. Put in challenges you expect to come against and find their solutions.
- Wake up early
- Find a mentor
- Join a tribe or create one of like-minded individuals or of those in a position you want
- Clean your room by Jordan Peterson
- Invest in something, stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, index funds, NFTs, crypto, startups, real estate, REITs, and others. Remember Diversify then triple initial investment, don’t pick one then triple it.
- Learn a skill
- Build a side hustle
- Create something, a blog, newsletter, course, product, art, nfts.
- Build a business
- Budget
- Learn financial literacy
- Up your income either through asking for a raise or asking for a promotion
See Also
- 6 Key Things Men Should Improve
- Why Men Must Level Up: You Have No Choice
- Who Moved My Cheese Summary
- The Art of War(Listed)
- The 48 Laws of Power(Listed)