Introversion Sucks, But....
June 26, 2021
Hi there, twice in one row, yea! yea!
But this is different.
Here’s a brief list of reasons introversion sucks
You don’t get to make a lot of friends
This is a big issue especially for me. I have always felt like I am missing out. Even I know the benefits that come with having friends. To keep it simple. You get to experience a wide variety of emotions and events that you would otherwise not experience. I personally have never gone to a club. There are things I think are mandatory for someone my age to experience even just once.
Sitting alone can get boring
I know this is the whole forte of introverts. I personally rarely get bored, especially if left to my own devices(my imagination and laptop plus some extra room) but it can get boring sometimes where your creative juices are drained.
It gets pretty lonely
I can’t even begin to explain this to you. It’s something I assure you every introvert experiences, especially those I have met.
It gets pretty lonely.
It can drive you nuts
I’m joking, but am i 🤔
I think this is a pretty exhaustive list, won’t you say.
I’m not complaining. It can be good to just be by yourself but sometimes you wish you were extroverted. I am an INTP/INFP(50% Feeling 50% Thinking) I experience these moments and I find myself wishing that I was more extroverted, that I had more friends but these thoughts will always exist. I love being by myself. It can be fun! but I also wish I could hang out with friends.
Those are my reasons why being an introvert sucks but can actually be a great thing!
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I am participating in a challenge where I will post 100 articles before August. Wish me luck and kindly post what you’d like me to cover in the comment section.
Thank you, everyone, have a nice day!
See Also
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