How To Add Google Analytics to Your Website and Measure Traffic
December 31, 2021
Hi, today I’d like to help you set up Google Analytics and monitor your traffic.
Before we go on, I provide a microservice where I set this(Google Analytics) up for you so that you don’t have to worry about the long process, code, and all the other things we go through here in this article, so contact me via email or visit my contact page to order, fast and simple.
Let’s go on.
What Does Google Analytics Do?
Google Analytics gathers a wide variety of information, which can be divided into five categories:
- Realtime: Displays what’s happening on your site at the specific moment you’re viewing the report.
- Audience: Includes information about who is visiting your site, including demographics.
- Acquisition: Explains how your site acquires traffic.
- Behavior: Shows what visitors do on your site, including buttons clicks and which of your pages are the most popular.
- Conversions: An advanced report to be used in conjunction with Google Analytics Goals, to track activity such as email list subscriptions or e-commerce sales.
Some examples of specific information you might find in your Google Analytics reports include:
- The number of active users on your site at any given moment.
- How many people visit your site over time.
- Your visitors’ ages, genders, and locations.
- Where your visitors come from (e.g., organic search, social media, etc.).
- Which pages visitors view and for how long.
- Bounce, click-through, and conversion rates.
Why is Google Analytics Important for Your Website?
Once you’ve started a WordPress website, you should know how it’s performing. And to get this useful data, you need Google Analytics. It’s a powerful tool that helps you understand how people use your site.
Here are some benefits of using Analytics:
- Identify Traffic Sources – You can find out where your visitors come from, which channel they use (search, social, paid, etc.), which country they belong to, and more.
- Better Understand Your Audience – Once someone lands on your website, what do they do? With Google Analytics, you can track their every interaction and see what links they click or which files they download.
- Create Content That People Like – Google Analytics helps you track your pages and posts, so you know which content drives a lot of traffic. This way, you can find similar topics to cover and boost your traffic.
- Conversions and Sales – If you have an eCommerce store, then Google Analytics can help you track your conversions and see how much revenue your store is making.
- Improve Your Site’s User Experience – Find out how people behave on your site, which pages they visit, which device or browser they use so you can improve the user experience of your website.
How To Setup Google Analytics
- Register/Login to Google Analytics
- Navigate to the Admin menu on the bottom left.
- Create a new property by tapping the “Create Property” button
- Add a property name, select your country and currency then click next
- Select industry, size, and the intended purpose/s of your website
- Choose the “Web” platform
- Enter your website’s link/URL and then stream name(Name of your website)
- Go down to “Tagging Instructions” then pick “Global Site Tag”. Copy that code.
- Paste the code you have been given into the head section of your website’s source code. Use this to find out where to put the code based on your platform .
Easier way: Use Google Site Kit
But this may slow down your site according to some people I’ve spoken to or read reviews.
Easiest way: Contact me
That’s it. You have successfully set up Google Analytics. Give it an hour then go to Google Analytics to start seeing the data.
See you soon
See Also
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- Simple Search Engine Optimization(SEO) Guide
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